“I have learned to give the tinnitus less space”

from Mirjam Oertli

Rainer Porschien (67) from Rheinfelden has lived with tinnitus for forty years.
At times, the annoying whistling in his ears robbed him

the strength.
Today, he sees it as a warning sign of unhealthy stress…

Tinnitus therapy with Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts

by PD Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Andreas Schapowal

In this blog post, we will look at tinnitus and the possibilities of treating it with Ginkgo biloba extracts.

Tinnitus, a condition of ringing in the ears or head without an external source of noise, is a challenge for many people. PD Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Andreas Schapowal sheds light on the effectiveness of this form of therapy in his article. We will explore both the benefits and success stories of this treatment method….

Ginkgo Review

A systematic review article on Ginkgo biloba extracts in the treatment of tinnitus and/or vertigo was published in the journal Advances of Aging Research on April 31, 2021. PD Dr. Dr. Andreas Schapowal, President of the STL, and Dr. Dominik Güntensperger, responsible for research on the STL Board, were co-authors.

Noise hypersensitivity guide

On September 21, 2023, the guidebook Noise Hypersensitivity by PD Dr. Dr. Andreas Schapowal will be published in the Humboldt Guidebook series.

order here

Podcast Allegra about tinnitus

Fabio Nay interviewed me on the subject of tinnitus in the Allegra podcast of the Bündner Krankenversicherung ÖKK. I would like to thank Silvana Möhr, Fabio Nay and the entire ÖKK team for their excellent cooperation!
