Tinnitus Forum Posts Switzerland

We are under the patronage of "Pro Audito Switzerland", the organization for people with hearing problems in Switzerland.


Why self-help groups – an analysis of experience

by Rainer H. Porschien, President of the Swiss Tinnitus League (STL)

Let’s start with a short quote from Wikipedia:

“Self-help groups are self-organized associations of people who have the same problem or concern and want to do something about it together. Typical problems include dealing with chronic or rare illnesses, life crises or stressful social situations.

The main purpose of self-help groups is the exchange of information and experience between those affected and their relatives, practical life support and mutual emotional support and motivation.”

No suicide due to tinnitus

An article about tinnitus with severe depression and suicidal tendencies appeared in the Tinnitus Forum 2-2023. The correct and successful therapy is illustrated in a case report.

Mentalization-based psychotherapy

An article on mentalization-based psychotherapy for tinnitus and hyperacusis appeared in the Tinnitus Forum 1-2023.

Report from the Zurich self-help group

In the Tinnitus Forum 4-2022, our board member Helmut Wülker introduces the Zurich Tinnitus Self-Help Group. There is also a report on the new medical director of the Grisons Psychiatric Services.

Inpatient therapy for tinnitus and hyperacusis in Graubünden

In the Tinnitus Forum 3-2022, Dr. phil. Franco Arnold, specialist psychologist for psychotherapy, on the inpatient therapy for tinnitus and hyperacusis offered by the Grisons Psychiatric Services since 2006 for people with general insurance at the Salvorta ward of the Beverin Clinic in Cazis GR and for people with private insurance at the Mentalva Clinic in Cazis GR.

Report from the Basel self-help group

In the Tinnitus Forum 2-2022, Mr. Rainer H. Porschien introduces the Tinnitus Self-Help Group Basel.